Greylag Goose Canada Goose

Greylag Geese (Anser anser) are especially common in Rannoch in the winter when the small breeding population is swelled by the arrival of many hundreds from Iceland. They feed in large numbers in fields at East Tempar and Innerhadden. They are often to be seen on Dunalastair Water and breeding pairs can be seen at both East Tempar and West Tempar.

RSPB - Greylag Goose

Greylag Goose - photo credit - Charles J Sharp

Greylag eggs - photo credit - Pellinger Attila

Goslings - photo credit - Donar Reiskoffer

Canada Geese are not native to the UK, as the name suggests, but they are now naturalised and resident in large numbers in Rannoch. There is a possibility that they are displacing the Greylag Geese in Rannoch. They can often be seen in the fields at East Tempar, West Tempar, Innerhadden, Carie or the north side of Loch Rannoch.

RSPB - Canada Goose

Canada Goose - Photo credit Joe Ravi (CC-BY-SA 3.0)